How to Fix the Economy of
The United States of America
By Jerry Pourcy
It’s kind of obvious now to everyone that our economy is in really
bad shape. Some say it’s a recession, some say it’s a depression.
Many people have given their ideas on what needs to be done to correct
the problem.
At this present time our government feels that throwing lots of money
into the economy is going to fix the problem. This is not a long term
solution but rather just a quick patch that will not really solve anything.
The problem lies at not looking at the big picture. Our present economic
dilemma was not caused overnight nor was it caused by our last presidency.
It has been on a downhill slide for over 30 years, it just so happens
that it is now all about to come to a head.
So what we are going to do is go back in time and follow the money trail
and see what went right and also see what went wrong and come to a viable
solution to fix the economy.
Once you see the big picture of what really went wrong, you will clearly
see that things such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are just trivial
compared to what is really happening to our economy.
First what we will do is look at the big picture and then we will see
clearly what we need to do as a nation to come up with solutions to
fix the problem. As you will see, the big picture shows us that our
money is leaving the United States at a very rapid pace and this is
why we are having money problems. We will separate the reasons why money
is leaving the country into 3 sections:
1. Trade
2. War
3. Imported Foreign Oil: The Transportation Industry
If money were not leaving the country, but rather being added to it,
we would not be having money problems. Having an over abundance of money
is not a problem. Not having enough money to go around and circulate
in the U.S. economy is a big problem.
So let’s get started!
It takes a certain amount of money circulating in the United States
to keep the economy healthy. When we have more than we need, that’s
good. You can do all kinds of things with extra money on hand. When
we have less than we need, that’s bad. Things start to go haywire.
So what we are going to do is look at this chart of the United States:
Let’s say it takes 10 dollars to be circulating
inside the United States at all times to keep the economy running healthy
and smooth. As long as we have these 10 dollars to circulate among us,
everyone has a job, people are buying houses, cars and such and everything
is OK. Everything is running smoothly and we have a sure steady growth
in our economy.
But what happens if we take one of those dollars and give it to the
Middle East for oil? We give them a dollar we get the oil. Of course,
we burn the oil up and have nothing to show for it.
Now we have 9 dollars left to circulate in our economy.
Now let’s say we give Japan a dollar for their cars. They give
us the cars and we give them a dollar.
Now we have 8 dollars left to circulate in our economy.
Now let’s give a dollar to China for their goods. We give them
a dollar and we get their goods.
We now have 7 dollars left to circulate in our economy.
Let’s spend a dollar on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
We are down to 6 dollars left to circulate in our economy.
Let’s give Canada a dollar for their goods. We give them a dollar
and we get their goods.
Now we have 5 dollars left to circulate in our economy.
Let’s give Mexico a dollar for their goods. We give them a dollar
and we get their goods.
Now we have 4 dollars left to circulate in our economy.
Do you see the trend? Now let’s look at our chart:
If it takes 10 dollars to circulate in our economy for it to run healthy,
and we are down to 4, the economy will start to get real shaky. Why?
Because there is not enough money circulating in the economy for it
to run smooth.
It doesn’t matter how much money the government has. That has
nothing to do with how much money is circulating in the United States.
The government can have a balanced budget but yet we can still be losing
circulation money.
We are steadily losing dollars, the economy is not going to get any
better with the road we are taking. I call this:
We are bleeding money at a very rapid pace and our economy is going
to collapse if we do not fix it immediately.
But first, before we look at solutions, let’s go back in time
and see how it used to be to give us a basic idea of what we need to
In the past, the United States had a trade surplus. We exported goods
more than we imported goods from other countries. This brings money
into the United States. Let’s look at this illustration:
You will notice that we have a large barrel representing the U.S. economy
and you can see at the top of this barrel is a bucket that represents
our exports to other countries. When this happens, money pours into
the country. This is a good thing for us.
But our last trade surplus was in 1991. Look at this chart of our trade
deficit from 1991 – 2005,
Instead of pulling money into the country we are letting it go by having
an ever increasing trade deficit. We are losing money by buying goods
from other countries, importing oil for our energy, and being involved
in wars that cost us.
Now let’s look at our barrel of our present economic situation:
You will notice at the bottom of the barrel that we have many holes
that we are leaking money out of the country. This money is going to
the Middle East, China, Japan, Mexico, Canada, the War and other places.
At the top of the barrel we have our U.S. exports bucket which is drying
up and we also have the federal government bucket which represents the
stimulus money being put into the economy.
It’s easy to see from this illustration that no matter how much
money is put into the U.S. economy it’s going to all eventually
leak out.
This is nothing new. Economists have been warning about this for many
years. You cannot have a continued trade deficit without it affecting
the economy, but yet this is exactly what has happened in the United
States of America. We have had a trade deficit for almost 20 years and
it is getting larger and larger every year and it is just simply catching
up with us. It is not something that has happened overnight.
Many people in government claim that a trade deficit is no big deal.
They believe we can recoup the money in other ways such as investments
and such. Well, that hasn’t happened. We are steadily leaking
Having a trade deficit of 1 or 2 years is not going to hurt the economy
that bad but for almost 20 years in a row it becomes devastating.
The federal government has done absolutely nothing to curb this trade
deficit. We have let it ride and let it ride and now it has caught up
with us.
There have been several policies made over the years concerning trade
such as NAFTA and even though it was supposed to help us, it has backfired
and it has hurt us.
There is no need to start pointing fingers to who is to blame. Republicans
and Democrats alike have voted on these issues in the past and have
allowed these policies to hurt us. But now we can see without a shadow
of a doubt that these policies have hurt us in the long run and we better
make changes soon before the whole economy collapses. We don’t
need to look back and say who is to blame, but rather look forward and
see what we can do to fix the problem.
It is easy to see that the World Trade Organization has policies that
allow unfair trade. The U.S. needs to dump the WTO. Its policies are
not working for us.
The U.S. needs to set up it’s own policies for trade.
Not counting foreign oil, our biggest trade deficit is with China. We
need to discuss this in detail. China is killing us financially.
Back in the late 1990’s Many people in business and government
thought that it would be a great idea to trade with China. They saw
China with it’s population of over a billion people would open
up vast markets for the United States businesses to sell their goods.
So they lobbied for this to happen and China was brought into the WTO.
Well, it backfired.
China only wants to get our high technical stuff. The average Chinese
worker makes a fraction of what Americans make and they cannot afford
to buy American goods.
The wages paid to Chinese workers and the wages paid to American workers
is a very large difference. I even read in one place that concerning
factory workers the Chinese make about 1/30 of what American workers
As one person put it,
"We export cotton, we import clothing.” "We export hides,
we bring in shoes. We export scrap metal. We bring back machinery. We're
exporting waste paper, we bring back cardboard boxes with products inside
The Chinese are pulling one over on us.
Sure, there are a few American companies like Boeing, Caterpillar and
Cargill that are making money off of China because China needs these
things for their economy, but China as a whole does not want American
goods neither can the average Chinese worker afford them when they can
make these products in their own country much, much cheaper.
Try selling an American bicycle to the Chinese. That’s a joke.
They do not want our everyday normal stuff we use to live on.
Now here is the scenario of what has happened:
We open up trade with China. China can produce goods much cheaper than
Americans can. Some businesses import goods from China and start to
sell Chinese goods to the American market. These goods are so cheap,
Americans by them. American companies that make the same products can’t
Let’s repeat and rephrase that:
The labor differences between China and America are so vastly different
it is impossible for American businesses to compete.
So here is what happens:
American companies start to have their products made in China also and
have them delivered over here to sell them so that they can compete
with other companies.
Soon, most businesses are outsourcing their manufacturing to China to
have their products made.
There are many American companies that would much rather have their
manufacturing done right here in the good ole U.S.A. but their options
have gone by the wayside.
Their choices:
1. Outsource your manufactured products in order to compete.
2. Go out of business.
To most businesses, #2 is not an option. They want to stay in business
but in order to do so they have to have their manufactured products
built as cheap as possible in order to compete with the imports.
And here is the result to all this:
1. People in the U.S.A. lose their manufacturing jobs.
2. We start to import everything.
3. China’s economy booms.
4. Our economy dries up.
5. The money leaves the country.
6. We go into a recession.
7. China laughs at us all the way to the bank.
Having trade with China is killing the United States economy. It is
impossible for American manufacturing businesses to compete with China’s
manufacturing businesses because of the differences paid to factory
It’s not working for us, but it is definitely making the Chinese
happy. They are sucking the money out of our country and it is starting
to hurt us really bad.
If you look at our trade balance with China since 1985 to present:
You will see that China has sucked 1.869 TRILLION dollars out of our
economy. And this is just China. This is not counting:
The Middle East
Other sources
Now here is the situation, just think that if we had a balanced trade
with China for all this time. This would have meant that zero dollars
would have left the country (concerning China anyway). This means that
our U.S. economy would have 1.869 trillion more dollars circulating
in it today.
There would be no need for a stimulus bailout package from the U.S.
The U.S. economy has been steadily losing money since the 70’s.
If you look at this chart:
You will see that in the 1960’s we had a trade surplus every year
but starting in the 70’s we started to have a trade deficit. Just
since 2000 alone we have had a trade deficit of over 5.1 TRILLION dollars.
Just think if we had that money back. The U.S. economy would be looking
good. Really good. As we mentioned, the little Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac problem is very trivial compared to the big picture. At least that
money stayed in the country.
Now here is the big Question:
How long are we going to allow this to continue? Till we have no money
Balanced Trade
If we can’t achieve a trade surplus, then we need to have a balanced
trade. Do not allow any imported goods to come into the U.S. that allows
us to have a deficit.
We need to make a policy and let other countries know that we will not
have a trade deficit with them. We will have a surplus, or we will have
a balance, but we will not have a deficit.
Allowing ourselves to have trade deficits is killing us financially.
Sure, there are a few American companies that are prospering from this
ordeal but it is hurting most of the others and ruining our country’s
finances as a whole.
If we are going to recover from this recession/depression we have to
fix this or there will be no cure. We are leaking money at an alarming
Almost everything we are buying from China we can manufacture ourselves.
We do not need China’s goods.
Our government needs to fix this right now. Not later. Not, “Let’s
think about this for a while.” It needs to be fixed immediately.
Trade with China is not benefiting the nation as a whole, but rather
just a few companies. It is hurting the nation as a whole.
Import Tariffs
The American people do not need to be taxed anymore than they are. We
want the imported goods taxed and make the nations that import the goods
pay the taxes. Sure, it will make the prices go up, but they have to
in order for American companies to compete in the market.
It is not right for our government to allow trade with a foreign nation
that can run circles around us when it comes to paying low wages and
cheap manufactured goods. It is causing our factories to shut down and
the American people to lose their jobs.
Tax the imports heavily. Make it to where American factories can compete.
The Chinese workers do not pay income tax to the American government
so the American government is losing out on income when factories shut
down and people lose their jobs.
How about we give the Americans back their jobs and put the Chinese
out of work? The United States government was established by the people
and for the people of the United States. Our government needs to help
us to prosper, not the people of China or other nations. Having unbalanced
trade with these nations is hurting us very badly.
Sure, there are laws in place about import tariffs and such but obviously
they are not benefiting us at all and they need to be corrected to benefit
us. The World Trade Organization is not helping us out at all, so we
need to make our own policies before the whole U.S. economy shuts down.
I’m a citizen of the United States of America. I am concerned
about the prosperity of the country I live in. It doesn’t benefit
me at all knowing that other nations prosper and ours is going down
the tubes.
Once we get balanced trade with these other countries it will slow down
the flow of money leaving the United States. Once we plug these holes,
in our economy barrel, it will help our country’s financial system
drastically. But solving trade problems does not fix all the leaks.
Let’s take another look at our economy barrel again:
In this illustration you will notice that the trade leaks have been
plugged but we are still leaking tons of money through war and imported
oil. Also in this illustration we see that our exports are still not
bringing any money into the country and the stimulus money has run out.
This scenario shows that the money leaks have slowed down but the economy
is still leaking and the money is not being replaced. Plus the stimulus
money has to be paid back somehow. This is still a very unstable situation.
The war in Iraq and Afghanistan is costing us American lives and tons
of money. Not our worst money leak but still a major leak. It is not
benefiting us in any way.
Some say the war is against terrorism. Terrorism is based upon hatred.
You cannot defeat hatred with bullets and bombs.
If someone hates you, sticking a gun in their face is not going to make
them like you. If someone hates you, blowing up their houses is not
going to make them like you.
There are better ways to secure our country against terrorism and probably
much cheaper. There is an underlying reason we are in Iraq and Afghanistan
and I’m sure it has something to do with oil.
The war in Iraq began as “Iraqi Freedom”. Why didn’t
we go down into Cuba and free the people from Castro? Because they do
not have anything we want.
Stop the war.
Save American lives.
Focus on our country, not other countries.
If we need to go to war to “protect our interests” then
we need to change our interests. There are other ways to fix problems
besides war. You only need to fight when you have to fight. Wisdom is
better than war.
When the war is stopped, our economy barrel will look like this:
With the war being stopped, we still have one more major money leak
in our economy: imported foreign oil. Stopping the war will not cause
the U.S. to resume exports and have a trade surplus, but it will slowdown
the leaks a little more.
IMPORTED FOREIGN OIL: The Transportation Industry
Working out a solution to solve the imported oil problem is a whole
different animal. We can live without all the knick knacks that China
makes for us, and stopping the war is easy, but our economy is dependent
on energy and oil.
Over 60 percent of all oil consumed goes toward transportation. So working
out a solution to overcome this problem should be a main goal.
There has been a little headway towards this such as hybrid and electric
vehicles but they too have their limitations. Hybrids still use fossil
fuels and still pollute and electric vehicles are limited to how fast
and how far they can go on a single charge and both of these types of
vehicles can still get in a collision and kill people.
We have to do something, we cannot continue as we have in the past.
Oil reserves are getting harder and harder to find and the oil is getting
more expensive. We cannot wait until the oil runs out before we make
a move. We have to do something now.
The United States has the technology to do something about this issue.
It’s called the AutoRail Transportation System.
By combining several technologies, we can put together a transportation
system that has no need for fossil fuels whatsoever.
Almost all energy comes from the sun. Whether it be from plants that
have pulled in energy from the sun many years ago and have formed coal,
oil and gas pockets in the earth or from plants such as grains we grow
today to convert to fuel, or even from the wind, all these energy sources
come from energy delivered to us from the sun.
Because of this, it would make sense to go straight to the sun for our
future energy needs and get our energy directly from the sun.
Solar energy is the direct energy source from the sun. This is where
we need to focus on building our next transportation system.
But the problem with this is it is not possible to equip a vehicle full
of solar panels. Sure there have been some experimental solar vehicles
but they were very lightweight and not feasible for everyday use by
But the AutoRail Transportation System was intentionally designed to
overcome these obstacles. The AutoRail was designed for:
An average of 44,000 people die every year in this country due to automobile
accidents and 3 million are injured in approximately 6 million accidents.
The deaths average out to more than 2 people a day from each state.
(Please note that this is in the United States alone.) The sad part
about this is that we take this for granted. If you leave in your vehicle
this morning, it's a good possibility that you might be one of the two
that die that day from your state.
Most accidents are caused from driver error. The AutoRail eliminates
driver error.
There is a limited supply of oil and the world’s oil reserves
are rapidly shrinking. We cannot plan on using oil forever because it
is not going to be there, plus it is getting more and more expensive.
The AutoRail uses solar energy directly from the sun and stores it for
use. It doesn’t need a drop of oil.
Since the AutoRail is an electric system, it does not give off any harmful
gases related to fossil fuels.
These are the main benefits of the AutoRail even though there are many
By combining the technologies from these industries:
Solar Energy Industry
Energy Storage Industry
Computer Hardware and Software Industry
Automotive Industry
…along with the technology from the AutoRail itself and other
industries, we will be able to build a better transportation system
that has absolutely no reliance on foreign or domestic oil for propulsion
of the vehicles.
Taking what we have learned over the last century and combining them
with one another we can eventually get away from using oil for most
of our transportation needs.
The AutoRail is a rail system, but it is a very special rail system
designed like no other. Unlike the rail systems of today, which handle
only mass transportation vehicles, the AutoRail was designed from the
very beginning to handle personal and mass transportation vehicles.
There are also new transportation systems out there called PRT’s
(personal rapid transit) but they only handle personal vehicles and
are not designed for heavy duty use.
The AutoRail was intentionally designed to handle both, for we need
both, mass transit and personal transit vehicles.
The rail systems of yesteryear and today were not designed for personal
transportation. Because of the inability to change lanes quickly and
a very wide turning radius and numerous other problems it is not feasible
to incorporate these types of systems into today’s infrastructure
for personal use.
The AutoRail was designed to overcome all these obstacles.
The AutoRail is it’s own power plant and in most cases has no
need for an outside power source.
The vehicles cannot derail like today’s trains do. They cannot
get in head-on collisions, flip over, go into a ditch, hit a tree, or
any other type of crash that cars do. There are no intersections, stop
signs or traffic lights as today’s streets have.
Look at this primitive concept rendering of the AutoRail:
As you can see, the rail system is above ground so that it does not
interfere with ground traffic nor can it collide with ground traffic.
The canopy above the rail holds the solar panels. The columns that support
the rail also double as energy storage (batteries if you please).
The vehicles get their power directly from the rail and as mentioned
the AutoRail is its own power plant and will not effect our nation’s
already overburdened power grid. The vehicles do not have to carry large
storage batteries around which takes extra energy to move nor do they
have to carry any type of fuel supply.
The special steering mechanism inside the vehicles (Railmobiles) allows
the vehicles to change lanes at any speed for the rails do not move
such as on a train track or monorail track which hinders their capability.
The special steering mechanism also allows a turning radius of less
than 12 feet. This is a tighter turning radius than most cars. No other
rail system can accomplish this feat. This will allow the rail to be
used in residential areas, something it was designed to do from the
very beginning. Many rail systems have a turning radius of 100 feet
or more, and it would be impossible to incorporate these systems into
already existing structures, but the AutoRail can.
Unlike mass transportation vehicles and PRT’s, the personal transportation
railmobiles were designed to be sold to the public and to be used from
their own home. This will give our failing auto industry a new industry,
building railmobiles for sale to the public.
As during the depression and we had projects such as the Hoover Dam
project, the government supplied the money and was able to recoup their
money from the sale of electricity.
The same goes for the AutoRail. The government can finance the project
and recoup their money from the sale of electricity to the users of
the AutoRail.
The AutoRail is not a government “give away money project”
but rather a project that the government can recoup its money on.
The AutoRail is a huge project and one company cannot possibly handle
this undertaking all on it’s own but rather it will be a combination
of many companies working with the federal, state and local governments
to accomplish this feat.
We will need companies to:
1. Build solar panels. Billions of them.
2. Construct the AutoRail
3. Build energy storage units.
4. Build Railmobiles (personal and mass transit)
5. Build computer components and software.
Plus we will need hundreds of companies to be suppliers of such things
as concrete, steel, manufactured parts, etc.
Can we say jobs? The AutoRail industry will produce millions of jobs
nationwide, unlike the Hoover Dam project, which was in a localized
area of the country.
The AutoRail is also:
This means that no outside country can be involved in any way, shape,
form or fashion.
Everything for the AutoRail will be manufactured right here in the good
ole U.S.A.
This means that every bolt, screw, computer chip, circuit board, wire
and anything else the AutoRail and railmobiles need, will be made in
the U.S.A.
Even companies that construct the AutoRail will have to use equipment
and tools made in the U.S.A. This would include, cranes, bulldozers,
shovels, hammers, screwdrivers and everything else.
In order to get the contract to build, they must comply to these rules.
This would include the Railmobile manufacturers.
By doing so, many people will be put back to work. And it will keep
the money circulating in the United States and create millions of jobs.
In the construction of the AutoRail and the Railmobiles there will be
many patents that many companies can get in respect to each of their
industries. Computer hardware and software, solar energy, energy storage,
railmobile technology, rail technology, construction technology, etc.
There will be plenty of patents to go around.
If we were to secure these patents in other countries also, these foreign
nations could not touch AutoRail technology nor duplicate it. Then we
have the opportunity to sell to these other countries, not the technology,
but products Americans have made with this technology.
Then comes the switch. We start pulling money back into the country
again by selling these products to other countries that they cannot
produce. (Unless they steal the technology.)
The AutoRail is not a cure all for the importing of foreign oil but
it is definitely a step in the right direction.
Here’s just a few of the benefits of incorporating the AutoRail
into our infrastructure:
1. Transportation Safety
The AutoRail was designed from the beginning to be the safest transportation
available. Driver error has been eliminated. Unlike train engineers,
car and bus drivers or plane pilots, the only way vehicles can have
an accident is by mechanical failure, which can be very minimal with
proper maintenance.
2. Renewable Energy Source
The AutoRail uses solar energy converted to electricity to propel the
vehicles. This is a start in getting us away from being dependent on
3. Pollution Free
Even though there might be some pollution in the manufacture of materials
and supplies for the AutoRail and the Railmobiles, the propelling of
the vehicles is pollution free which is a big plus for the environment.
4. Jobs
Constructing the AutoRail and Railmobiles will create millions of jobs
in the United States. Because of mandatory compliance that all materials,
supplies, labor and anything else associated with the AutoRail and Railmobiles
be made in the United States, jobs will be plentiful. There will also
be the collateral snowball effect of jobs outside the AutoRail because
the AutoRail was intentionally designed to be incorporated into homes
that people can leave their homes in their railmobile and go wherever
the rail can take them.
This will cause the housing industry to pick up the pace. New residential
areas will be built incorporating the AutoRail and older residential
areas can be retrofitted with the AutoRail. This will cause the housing
industry with all it’s suppliers to flourish.
Because the AutoRail is electrical and does not cause any type of pollution
hazard, it can be incorporated into buildings with stations inside of
the buildings such as the Monorail, which goes through the Contemporary
Resort at Walt Disney World. This will work great for shopping malls,
apartment complexes, stadiums and such so we can expect a lot of new
malls and apartment complexes constructed with the AutoRail in mind
not counting all the new restaurants and retail businesses along the
5. Mass Transportation
Even though the AutoRail was designed for personal transportation also,
it will thrive as a mass transportation system. Lots of people do not
use mass transportation systems because they are not convenient. If
the nearest station is 5 miles away why bother?
The AutoRail was designed to go into those hard to reach places unlike
trains that need such a large turning radius. Because the AutoRail will
be installed in residential areas also, putting in a mass transportation
station is not a problem and they will work hand in hand.
Every station will have computer terminals so that passengers can call
for transportation and Railmobile trains do not have to go to that station
until they are needed thus saving time and money.
6. Keeping the Money in the U.S.A.
As stated, all materials and supplies will come from within the United
States thus stimulating the economy and keeping the money circulating
inside of the U.S. As the AutoRail grows from city to city, and people
switch from gasoline powered transportation to electric powered transportation,
our need for foreign oil will decrease thus keeping that money in the
United States instead of sending it abroad. It’s going to take
time, but the AutoRail can get us there.
7. Pulling Money into the U.S.A.
Once again, by obtaining worldwide patents, companies can sell their
Railmobiles and products for the AutoRail to other nations that desire
to have the AutoRail in their infrastructure also. This will bring money
back into the United States. That’s a good thing.
Yes, the AutoRail is a HUGE project for the United States and it will
take many companies working together and millions of workers along with
the aid of the United States Government. Some may even say it’s
just a dream. Not so. The AutoRail is a real viable solution to the
problems of dependency on foreign oil and tons of money leaving the
The real dream is believing that our oil supplies will last forever.
That’s the dream.
If we can build the railroad, the interstate system, skyscrapers and
put a man on the moon, surely together we can build the AutoRail.
The AutoRail Transportation System is vast and very complex. This short
article is just a drop in the bucket. For more information on the AutoRail
and the technical aspects of it please contact:
AutoRail Transportation Systems
Now concerning our other needs for imported oil. In the event we can
start to control our oil consumption by installing the AutoRail into
our present infrastructure, then we can also concentrate on making synthetic
fuels for our aviation transportation and other ground transportation
If we can accomplish this feat, then we can rid ourselves of our dependency
on foreign oil. But we have to start while we still have the chance
to do so. If we wait until the economy completely collapses, then it
will be much harder for us to accomplish these goals.
If all these solutions to fix our money leaks in this country are put
in place, then we will return to a situation of our exported goods filling
up our economy barrel again such as this illustration indicates:
Once again jobs will be plentiful and there will be plenty of money
circulating in the United States economy for everyone to have a job
and make a good living.
The road to recovery is ahead of us. We just need to look at the big
picture to see what changes we need to make. Throwing money into a leaking
barrel is not going to fix anything, but if we plug the holes adding
money can be beneficial.
If we do not plug the holes in our economy, and the government keeps
throwing stimulus money into the economy they will have to continually
do so until they just can’t do it anymore and the United States
of America will fall.
We can fix this, but it’s going to take wisdom, not just money